The club is open every afternoon and evening five days a week, for roll ups and competitions. While matches are being played at least one rink is available for general play e.g. roll ups.

For latest Membership Fees, Click Here

How to book a game:

There are set procedures for booking a rink. You should contact Phil, preferably by sending a text message (0772 503 0279) or email ( or verbally with him if he is at the club. If it is urgent, you can telephone him on 01536 790340. It is important that all rinks are booked through Phil in order that the integrity of rules 14/15 governing Club Competitions is maintained.

In the entrance to the club, you will find a diary with all the club games in and this is usually on the desk. You will need to check in the diary to make sure there is a rink free, before you can book your game. Write your name, the time you require the rink, and the rink number you have chosen.


We have qualified coaches at the club, who can teach you the basics of the game, or help you with your bowling technique.

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