Welcome and thank you for visiting our website today.  We welcome all new members, of all ages and abilities, staying active and keeping in touch with friends is very important at any age. 

If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to use the Contact Form on the Contact Us page and a member of the team will get back to you.

Rothwell Manor Park Bowling Club was formed in 1963. We are a thriving club. We play many club competitions, singles, pairs, triples or teams of four.  We also play many friendly inter club competitions, home and away, either ladies, men’s or mixed teams.  Competitions are also arranged for novices, including the “Tommy Nichols Novices Cup” (singles) and the “Friday Night League” where you will be teamed up with other club members and can try your hand at playing in various positions in a team.  We actively encourage new members to join in the competitions as this helps to develop bowling skills and adds enjoyment to the game.  We also have some members who enjoy playing in Borough and County matches.


Why not come down to one of our Monday night coaching sessions and try your hand at bowls.  No equipment needed other than a pair of flat soled shoes. Please use the Contact Form on the Contact Us page and a member of the team will get back to you.  

Coaching takes place from 6pm each Monday commencing 3rd June 2024.

New members are always welcome at our friendly club.

We welcome any standard of player from those just starting out to county and  national standard

We play games in the evenings as well as in the afternoons, so even if you are at work you can still join in and play in matches.

Members and non members alike can turn up to play friendly “roll ups” on an afternoon or evening, five days a week, providing there is a rink free. Even if not, it is usually possible to team up with other people to have a game.  The minimum equipment needed by a non member is a pair of suitable flat soled shoes.  Bowls and all other equipment can be provided by the club, although club members are expected to provide their own bowls etc.

Prospective members are entitled to four free coaching sessions on a Monday evening, where our three qualified coaches will teach you the basics of the game of bowls.  You can then decide whether to join the club or not.  The only equipment you will need will be a pair of flat soled shoes.  Everything else can be provided by the club. Coaching usually starts on the second Monday in May. Check out the other events section for the actual start date.

Games are usually played in the afternoons, evenings and at weekends. Although bowls is sometimes considered to be an older persons game, it can be played by anyone from about nine upwards.

On joining the club you will be given a “Welcome Pack” which explains in more detail the running of the club

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